It may surprise you, but lighting is just as important in your outdoor spaces as it is in your living room. While artificial outdoor lighting is certainly an option, it can also be expensive. And besides, when you’re outdoors taking in the fresh air and the scenic views, you want to enjoy the natural light!

Obviously, natural light isn’t difficult to come by when you’re outdoors, but managing it requires smart and resourceful design. You need to tactfully utilise the elements of your outdoor space to temper the harsh rays without denying the open air and lavish vistas. After all, your outdoor solutions should enhance your experience, not get in the way.

Continue reading to learn some of the basic ways to manage natural light in your outdoor space.

1. Let flora and fauna share the load

Quality outdoor solutions like louvre roofs and awnings can give you exceptional control over the natural light in your outdoor space. But what if you want something a bit more, well, natural?

Shrubbery can greatly help temper the amount of natural light in your outdoor space without enveloping it in artificial surfaces that might diminish its charm. Lemonwood and Lombardy Poplars are great choices if you’re planting new shade trees. They grow quickly and mature at just the right height.

2. Position your shade for the right times

Consider the orientation of your home when you plan your shade solutions. The ideal outdoor space faces north, but certainly there is no bad direction. However, your orientation will matter when positioning your light barriers. Consider what times you will most often be outdoors and position barriers to ensure they are effective at those hours.

Remember, we want to shade our outdoor spaces, but we mustn’t forget that natural light is one of the primary reasons we have outdoor spaces to begin with! If possible, try to allow for the most natural light at times when the sunlight is less intense. This will give you the best of both worlds.

3. Flexible outdoor solutions like outdoor blinds

Sometimes, we need that extra little bit of control to manage the natural light in our outdoor space. In these circumstances, outdoor blinds can be the perfect solution. Unlike other flexible shade options, outdoor blinds do not rob you of your visibility, even when they’re drawn. Custom-made to fit any patio, balcony, or veranda, weather-proof outdoor blinds minimise direct sunlight while remaining transparent, keeping your favourite views accessible.

4. Reflect on some lighter colours

When looking to manage natural light in your outdoor spaces, it pays to remember how you manage natural light in your indoor spaces! A common refrain among interior designers is the virtues or lighter colours to exploit natural light.

You may remember from art class that darker colours absorb light, while lighter colours reflect them. Brighter colours in your outdoor space while help disperse and distribute natural light without exposing you to direct sunlight. Opt for lighter coloured outdoor furniture and surfaces to maximise natural light.

The right outdoor blinds can make all the difference

If blinds are the missing piece for a perfect outdoor space at your home, check out Dynamic Outdoor Solutions for the top outdoor blinds Auckland has to offer! Make your balcony, patio, or veranda as vibrantly lit as you want it to be.

Request a quote from Dynamic Outdoor Solutions today!

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